
Use the form at the bottom of the page for your booking request. Your data will be sent directly to our booking system. We will get back to you with an offer as soon as possible. The booking is not binding until you have confirmed the offer via e‑mail.


We recommend a maximum group size of 20 participants per tour. Larger groups can be divided into several tours. Audio devices will be used for groups of 21 or more participants. We also recommend using the audio devices for smaller groups, as this makes communication and listening easier. We charge a fee of 20 euros per group for the use of the audio devices.

Additional information in the “Comments” field (e.g. the age of the participants in the case of youth groups, arrangements via telephone, special requirements, etc.) help us to plan the tour according to your needs and wishes.

Any further questions?

Many answers can be found here. If anything remains unclear, send us an e‑mail or give us a phone call at 030 — 24 33 94 42 (Monday to Thursday from 10 am to 6 pm).


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