Funding partners


Thanks to funding from the Berlin State Centre for Political Education in 2023, we will be able to develop school workshops on the topic of housing and homelessness in a pilot project.



Thanks to funding from the Joachim Herz Foundation, we are able to offer 40 free city tours for school classes from all over Germany in 2023 and further expand our network.



Funded by the Migration Lab — a network for education and culture in the migration society — we were able to take a closer look at our educational format, the city tours, together with our city guides. The result was an audio collage and a handout.


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Since 2018, thanks to the support of the Berliner Sparkasse Foundation, we have been able to offer free tours for Berlin school classes.


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With the support of the German Postcode Lottery, we are able to carry out our “Climate.Migration.Dialogue” project and develop a new focus in terms of content.

Thanks to the previous funding “Neustart querstadtein” / “New start querstadtein” project, we were able to ensure that our city tours are pandemic-proof and to further develop our digital offerings.





In 2019, querstadtein received the „Global Community Grant“ from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.



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In 2020, the Federal Agency for Civic Education funded the “Dresdner  Migration Stories” as a model project in the “Migration — Integration — Participation” program.




The Foundation “Stiftung Erinnerung, Verantwortung, Zukunft” supported our project for the network “Migration Lab”.




The Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration (die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration) also supported the “Migration Lab” network, which, together with the University of Hildesheim and multiple organisations and institutions involved with the topic of migration, develops materials on the subject of migration.




Awards and scholarships

Roman Herzog Preis 2023

In 2023, querstadtein was awarded the Roman Herzog Prize by Berliner Sparkasse. The prize recognises Berlin projects or initiatives for their innovative strength, social commitment and contribution to the further development of society and its cohesion.


Our tour “Kreuzberg behind the scenes” is a 2022 winner in the “Active for Democracy and Tolerance” 2022 competition organised by the Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance (BfDT).


The German Civic Engagement Award is the umbrella award for all civic engagement in Germany. In 2019, for the “Homeless people show students their Berlin” project, querstadtein received an award in the “Creating Chances” category.




The Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe honors outstanding smaller projects with “DAVID”. These are implemented or supported by the Sparkassen foundations.  In 2019, we received the award for our project “Homeless people show students their Berlin”.






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Since autumn 2018, querstadtein has been participating in the openTransfer Accelerator. Stiftung Bürgermut supports social initiatives with scaling and project knowledge transfer through this program.




querstadtein was nominated as a “Landmark in the Land of Ideas 2018”. The award honors projects that develop innovative solutions for social challenges.





In 2018, we were nominated for the FARBENBEKENNEN Award of the Berlin Senate Chancellery. The award honored initiatives created by and with refugees that focus on creating bridges between different worlds.





In 2015, the Robert Bosch Stiftung awarded querstadtein as part of the program  “Die Verantwortlichen”.





In 2014, querstadtein received the “DM award for civic engagement”.





In 2013, querstadtein won the Engagement Award of the Association of the scholarship alumni of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.





In 2013, querstadtein also managed to impress in a pitch for the “Social Impact Start” competition and was awarded coaching and deskspace at Social Impact Lab Berlin.






In 2012/2013, the querstadtein founders won a consulting scholarship from startsocial. As part of the scholarship program, experts from the business world offered support in setting up social projects.







The “AK Wohnungsnot” / “Working Group Housing Crisis” is an association of more than 70 facilities, nonprofit and public institutions from Berlin´s homelessness services, which acts as a lobby for homeless people and those at risk. querstadtein is a member of this association.




We are also a member of the Social Entrepreneurship Netzwerk Deutschland (SEND e.V.) SEND e.V. connects social enterprises with each other and represents their interests at a political level.



Cooperation partners


Since the summer of 2015, Refugio has been a place where people with and without refugee background live and work together. The building, which belongs to the Berliner Stadtmission, is also home to the Berlin office of querstadtein.





The Berliner Stadtmission is a central provider of homelessness services in Berlin.  We work in close partnership with the organization and cooperate on various topics.





GEBEWO — social services — Berlin, develops different support services for people dealing with homelessness and substance abuse in order to provide them with a fresh perspective.





The network “School without Racism — School with Courage” includes more than 2,800 schools. It provides students with the opportunity to actively shape the environment at their school and to get involved against racism. querstadtein is an official cooperation partner.





The Network for Democracy and Courage (NDC) is a nationwide network, which is run by young people who are committed to promoting democracy and taking a stand against inhumane thinking.




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