Would you like to find out more about the links between the climate crisis and migration, but don’t have the opportunity to take part in one of our city tours? Then we have the perfect alternative for you: our learning app Climate.Migration.Dialogue!

Here, people who have experienced the consequences of the climate crisis themselves invite you to get to know their stories. Numerous interactive elements—such as quizzes, reflection questions, and clearly illustrated animated explainer videos from the animation studio monströös—will help you better understand the global impact of climate change and gain new perspectives on migration.


Fully exploring the contents of the app
takes about 1 to 1.5 hours.

Use is charged per person.

The app is ideal for integrating into seminars or workshops. It is particularly aimed at
young people aged 14 and over and young adults.

The app is available in English and German.

The Learning App

The protagonists talk about their experiences in videos.

Infos give you more background knowledge.

Interactive quizzes invite reflection.

Interested in our digital formats? Then send us a non-binding booking enquiry! Educators can get free trial access in advance.
Send request

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