Kreuzberg behind the Scenes: The Making of a Diverse Neighbourhood
Kreuzberg behind the Scenes: The Making of a Diverse Neighbourhood
2 hours
Reduced barriers:
The tour starts at Görlitzer Bahnhof, leads through the Görlitzer Park and ends at the Waldemarstraße.

On his tour, Muhammed Lamin Jadama will show you “his” Kreuzberg — from the perspective of a political activist, photographer, social worker and local.

He will explain how the drug problem in Görlitzer Park is connected to the European asylum system, what life is like, if you don’t have a residence status and how social workers try to support those who are affected. On the way, Muhammed will introduce some of the many Kreuzberg initiatives and associations in which people with and without a history of migration shape their neighbourhood together. His tour leads to important meeting spots in the district, such as the Senegambia Restaurant, where you can learn a lot about Muhammad’s birthplace and its colonial history.

In the studio of We are born free! Empowerment Radio, he will talk about how a lack of press freedom forced him to leave Gambia and about his own involvement in the self-organisation of migrant communities.

Single tickets
Group bookings

For group tours, you can arrange individual bookings with us.

This is how it works
Specify your preferred date, time etc. via our booking form

Initially the booking request is non-binding. You have therefore not booked until you confirm our offer via e‑mail.

Registration fee
For groups, we charge a flat fee based upon the type and size of the group.

Payment methods
Following your booking we issue an invoice of which the amount is to be transferred to our account. Please note that we can only accept cash payments in exceptional circumstances.