On our tours, people who are usually rather talked ABOUT have their say: people, who were homeless and refugees. They offer room for personal envounters and dialogue. And they are meant to raise awareness for the fact that in the heated debates about supposedly homogeneous groups we invariably pass judgement over persons with individual life stories and fates.

people were homeless in Germany in 2022, according to the latest projectionn by the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Wohnungslosenhilfe. Of these, around 50,000 were living on the streets without any accommodation at all. A first attempt at a census in 2020 registered a total of 1,967 homeless people in Berlin, but in reality the number is far higher.
people were displaced worldwide at the end of 2022, according to the UNHCR. This includes refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced persons and other people in need of international protection. That is 19 million more than at the end of 2021 — an increase of 21 per cent. This is the largest increase in one year ever recorded by UNHCR.
Around 100,000 people have taken part in our tours of the city in ten years, in addition to our digital formats.